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Janis is officially a „Schwarzkünstler“.

To conclude his apprenticeship as a Premedia Specialist, Janis Rüdisüli was „gautscht“ in the traditional manner. This printing tradition dates back to the 16th century. However, unlike in the past, today’s „Gäutschlinge“ get off much more lightly.

Gebt ein Sturzbad oben drauf. Das ist dem Jünger Gutenbergs die allerbeste Tauf. Gautschen 2024 mit Janis Rüdisüli im Media-Center Uster.

Janis is officially a „Schwarzkünstler“.

To conclude his apprenticeship as a Premedia Specialist, Janis Rüdisüli was „gautscht“ in the traditional manner. This printing tradition dates back to the 16th century. However, unlike in the past, today’s „Gäutschlinge“ get off much more lightly.

Gebt ein Sturzbad oben drauf. Das ist dem Jünger Gutenbergs die allerbeste Tauf. Gautschen 2024 mit Janis Rüdisüli im Media-Center Uster.

The plunge into the fountain.

The „Gäutschlinge“ never know on which day their baptism as professionals will take place.

Janis Rüdisüli, a newly qualified Premedia Specialist from Laupen, was dragged with weak protests from the office on the first floor to the fountain in front of the main entrance of Media-Center Uster AG.

The plunge into the fountain.

The „Gäutschlinge“ never know on which day their baptism as professionals will take place.

Janis Rüdisüli, a newly qualified Premedia Specialist from Laupen, was dragged with weak protests from the office on the first floor to the fountain in front of the main entrance of Media-Center Uster AG.


Now, Gautschmeister Dennis Lötterle takes the floor, appearing in tailcoat, top hat, and bow tie. „Grab him!“ he calls, and the colleagues grip even tighter. „Now let his corpus posteriorum fall upon this wet sponge, until both cheeks are soaked. Give his thirsty soul a plunge bath on top of it. This is the best baptism for the disciple of Gutenberg!“

The employees don’t hesitate: first, they press the young man onto the chair on which they had previously placed a wet sponge.

Then, one of them pours a bucket of water over his head. And finally, the commanded plunge bath follows—a vigorous throw into the fountain. Janis Rüdisüli has been „gegautscht.“

Gautschmeister Dennis Lötterle. Lehrmeister von Janis Rüdisüli übernimmt die Leitung der Zeremonie.


Now, Gautschmeister Dennis Lötterle takes the floor, appearing in tailcoat, top hat, and bow tie. „Grab him!“ he calls, and the colleagues grip even tighter. „Now let his corpus posteriorum fall upon this wet sponge, until both cheeks are soaked. Give his thirsty soul a plunge bath on top of it. This is the best baptism for the disciple of Gutenberg!“

The employees don’t hesitate: first, they press the young man onto the chair on which they had previously placed a wet sponge.

Then, one of them pours a bucket of water over his head. And finally, the commanded plunge bath follows—a vigorous throw into the fountain. Janis Rüdisüli has been „gegautscht.“

Gautschmeister Dennis Lötterle. Lehrmeister von Janis Rüdisüli übernimmt die Leitung der Zeremonie.
Die Schuhe von Janis Rüdisüli wurden an der Gautschete 2024 leicht Nass. Auf dem Bild leer er seine Schuhe aus.

Spare clothes always at hand.

July is the time for the „Gautschete“ ceremonies. With this ritual, newly qualified polygraphers, offset printers, and book printers who have passed their final apprenticeship exams are baptized.

„This tradition is well established among polygraphers,“ says Dennis Lötterle, who took on the role of Gautschmeister during the ceremony.

At the end, he hands his apprentice the „Gautschbrief,“ signed by the „Packers,“ the „Sponge Holder,“ and other witnesses. „I was Janis‘ instructor for three of his four apprenticeship years, and I am proud that Janis successfully completed his training,“ says Lötterle.

The „Gäutschlinge“ never know on which day the event will take place. Nevertheless, Janis was somewhat prepared. „I knew it was coming, so I had spare clothes ready for weeks. However, I forgot socks and shoes.“

Die Schuhe von Janis Rüdisüli wurden an der Gautschete 2024 leicht Nass. Auf dem Bild leer er seine Schuhe aus.

Spare clothes always at hand.

July is the time for the „Gautschete“ ceremonies. With this ritual, newly qualified polygraphers, offset printers, and book printers who have passed their final apprenticeship exams are baptized.

„This tradition is well established among polygraphers,“ says Dennis Lötterle, who took on the role of Gautschmeister during the ceremony.

At the end, he hands his apprentice the „Gautschbrief,“ signed by the „Packers,“ the „Sponge Holder,“ and other witnesses. „I was Janis‘ instructor for three of his four apprenticeship years, and I am proud that Janis successfully completed his training,“ says Lötterle.

The „Gäutschlinge“ never know on which day the event will take place. Nevertheless, Janis was somewhat prepared. „I knew it was coming, so I had spare clothes ready for weeks. However, I forgot socks and shoes.“

Drive out the whims.

The baptismal ritual of typesetters and printers has a long tradition. The first evidence of it can be found in writings from the 16th century. The term „Gautschen“ originates from paper production. It refers to the first step of draining after scooping the paper—laying the freshly scooped sheet of paper from the sieve onto a felt pad.

Der Apero nach der Gautschete 2024 von Janis Rüdisüli und Laura Caprez. Zirka 30 Personen stehen vor dem Garagentor der Nevalux AG, der Nachbar der Media-Center Uster AG.

Drive out the whims.

The baptismal ritual of typesetters and printers has a long tradition. The first evidence of it can be found in writings from the 16th century. The term „Gautschen“ originates from paper production. It refers to the first step of draining after scooping the paper—laying the freshly scooped sheet of paper from the sieve onto a felt pad.

Der Apero nach der Gautschete 2024 von Janis Rüdisüli und Laura Caprez. Zirka 30 Personen stehen vor dem Garagentor der Nevalux AG, der Nachbar der Media-Center Uster AG.
Gautschete von Laura Caprez bei der Media Center Uster. Laure bekommt vor allen Zuschauenden einen Eimer Wasser von Marcel Rieder über den Kopf geleert.

Less rough than back in the days.

The „Gautschete“ ceremony for apprentices is also much gentler these days than it used to be. A „Gautschbrief“ from 1900 from Bern mentions „three blows on the backside“ as part of the ritual. And a „Gautsch“ report from the 17th century states: „Now the bad tooth is out, give me the pomade, my companion, to smear his beard“—the „Gäutschlinge“ were also smeared with printer’s ink.

Today, however, people are more refined: Janis had the company of an inflatable flamingo in the fountain to keep him from feeling too lonely during his wet seconds.

Gautschete von Laura Caprez bei der Media Center Uster. Laure bekommt vor allen Zuschauenden einen Eimer Wasser von Marcel Rieder über den Kopf geleert.

Less rough than back in the days.

The „Gautschete“ ceremony for apprentices is also much gentler these days than it used to be. A „Gautschbrief“ from 1900 from Bern mentions „three blows on the backside“ as part of the ritual. And a „Gautsch“ report from the 17th century states: „Now the bad tooth is out, give me the pomade, my companion, to smear his beard“—the „Gäutschlinge“ were also smeared with printer’s ink.

Today, however, people are more refined: Janis had the company of an inflatable flamingo in the fountain to keep him from feeling too lonely during his wet seconds.

Unannounced second „Gautsch“.

After former company boss and current Key Account Manager Frank Sharma learned that the „Gautschete“ ceremony was not performed at the old apprenticeship company of current Operations Manager Laura Caprez, he couldn’t let it go and secretly organized Laura’s belated „Gautschete“ with the help of everyone else. It took place immediately after Janis’s ceremony. Out of sympathy for the audience waiting in the sun, Laura used the water in the fountain to cool down the onlookers as well.

Gautschete von Laura Caprez bei der Media Center Uster. Laure liegt im Brunnen vor dem Gebäude des MCU.

Unannounced second „Gautsch“.

After former company boss and current Key Account Manager Frank Sharma learned that the „Gautschete“ ceremony was not performed at the old apprenticeship company of current Operations Manager Laura Caprez, he couldn’t let it go and secretly organized Laura’s belated „Gautschete“ with the help of everyone else. It took place immediately after Janis’s ceremony. Out of sympathy for the audience waiting in the sun, Laura used the water in the fountain to cool down the onlookers as well.

Gautschete von Laura Caprez bei der Media Center Uster. Laure liegt im Brunnen vor dem Gebäude des MCU.
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