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We do graphic design, web, print, film and photo. Voilà – examine some of our valuable work, which we have carried out to the complete satisfaction of our customers. Let our qualities convince you.


We do graphic design, web, print, film and photo. Voilà – examine some of our valuable work, which we have carried out to the complete satisfaction of our customers. Let our qualities convince you.


The first impression counts – that’s why we attach great importance to your corporate design and the recognition value. Whether it’s a logo, website, business stationery, image brochure, flyer, poster, drone shots or business card: your company is in the best hands with us. Appearance matters! Come to the Media Center Uster and experience graphics, web, print, film and photography at the highest level.


The first impression counts – that’s why we attach great importance to your corporate design and the recognition value. Whether it’s a logo, website, business stationery, image brochure, flyer, poster, drone shots or business card: your company is in the best hands with us. Appearance matters! Come to the Media Center Uster and experience graphics, web, print, film and photography at the highest level.

graphic design.







With our own sticker album concept for football clubs, we are currently at the forefront of the current trend among the young and young-at-heart „kickers“. In journalism, we are setting completely new accents in the media landscape of Switzerland: with two weekly newspapers, we offer the two municipalities of Bauma and Birmensdorf a product with the absolute best price-performance ratio. Our journalist Stephan Mark Stirnimann evaluates the newspapers with exciting stories, reports and interviews. But we are also leaders in the print sector: as an online printing company, we respond to you in no time and with passion. Perhaps you have an unusual assignment for us? We have the right solution for everything. Visit the websites below to see our work!


With our own sticker album concept for football clubs, we are currently at the forefront of the current trend among the young and young-at-heart „kickers“. In journalism, we are setting completely new accents in the media landscape of Switzerland: with two weekly newspapers, we offer the two municipalities of Bauma and Birmensdorf a product with the absolute best price-performance ratio. Our journalist Stephan Mark Stirnimann evaluates the newspapers with exciting stories, reports and interviews. But we are also leaders in the print sector: as an online printing company, we respond to you in no time and with passion. Perhaps you have an unusual assignment for us? We have the right solution for everything. Visit the websites below to see our work!


Take a look at our dedicated team members! You will find experienced media designers, web designers, photographers, cinematographers and editors. Some have extensive on-the-job knowledge while others have just finished their degree and are up-to-date with the latest developments in graphical and multimedia design. Rest assured that only the best team will look after your wishes and make sure they are fulfilled.


Take a look at our dedicated team members! You will find experienced media designers, web designers, photographers, cinematographers and editors. Some have extensive on-the-job knowledge while others have just finished their degree and are up-to-date with the latest developments in graphical and multimedia design. Rest assured that only the best team will look after your wishes and make sure they are fulfilled.

Marcel Rieder

Der Coach

Marcel is a businessman with heart and soul and leads the company with his “moral compass”. As company owner and CEO he is at the heart and core of the business and oversees every work section and all the employees. Marcel is a true family man and enjoys his time at home with his wife Andrea and daughter Simea. He regards his employees as part of a bigger family and is deeply connected to the magical country of Morocco where he has some very close friends and supports local charity work. Marcel loves taking photographs and cruises around the beautiful landscape of Switzerland on his Vespa or Ducati Scrambler. Playing sport such as badminton and being a follower of Jesus, Marcel loves being a host to people and making sure that everybody from employee to guest is feeling truly welcome.


+41 43 399 11 09

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Laura Caprez

Die Wortenthusiastin

Laura ist für ihren gnadenlosen Einsatz des roten Korrekturstifts berühmt-berüchtigt. Ausserdem ist sie verantwortlich für die hochmodernen Digitaldruckmaschinen und die vielen anderen technischen Geräte. Als Redaktionsleiterin der «Baumerziitig» ist Laura am Puls der Zeit und schickt den Schreibtischpiloten an Orte, an denen Geschichte geschrieben wird. Sie kauft mit Begeisterung gesunde Snacks und verfüttert diese dann wahlweise den Bürokollegen oder ihrem Pferd. Den büroeigenen Teeschrank hat sie mit geschätzten 30 Teesorten bestückt. Laura kann nicht an Bücherläden und Papeterien vorbeigehen und verbringt mehr Zeit im Pferdestall als in ihrer Wohnung. Kleinsportgeräte lösen einen gewissen Sammelzwang bei ihr aus, was aber nicht heisst, dass sie diese auch benutzt.

operations manager
+41 43 399 11 08


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Dennis Lötterle

Der Administrator

Auch Dennis ist unverzichtbar für den Erfolg der Unternehmung und ein wichtiges Puzzlestück im Betrieb. Er amtet nicht nur als Redaktionsleiter des «Birmensdorfers», sondern besetzt auch den Führungsstab für die top-modernen Webseiten von der Media-Center Uster AG. Sein technisches Wissen und seine Begeisterung für die Film- und Fotografiewelt verleihen ihm während der Arbeit sprichwörtlich Flügel. Kein Wunder, hat er den Lehrgang «Digital Film Production» mit dem Bachelor of Arts and Science erfolgreich abgeschlossen. Wer dem leidenschaftlichen Tennisspieler Dennis privat begegnet, lernt einen neugierigen, wissbegierigen und charmanten Mitmenschen kennen. Es kann aber auch heissen: «In Deckung!» Nämlich dann, wenn der lizenzierte Drohnenpilot mit seinen UAVs zum Tiefflug ansetzt und dabei eine neue Filmszene einfängt.

film director and web designer
+41 43 399 11 10

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Linda Zimmermann

The creative one

Lindas creative self is found in every nook and cranny in our office. You can see her creativity in classic layout work, in the creation of social media posts, graphic artworks as well as photoshop creations. Nothing can hide from her infinite arsenal of ideas and experienced eyes. That’s why you can unexpectedly stumble upon a small sketch or some encouraging words scribbled on a notepad. Furthermore she makes sure we keep our office and kitchen clean and tidy. There is always something to optimize, especially the fridge which has to be free of mold. After the shocking discovery of a new lifeform inside a can of pineapple, she implemented a tough hygiene regime. She keeps the team in a good mood with spontaneous comedic acts and ensures that our smile lines won’t fade.

The creative one
+41 43 399 11 04

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Janis Rüdisüli

Der Wissenssammler

Janis ist unser Küken, denn er absolviert bei uns seine Erstausbildung zum Polygrafen EFZ. «Ich schätze die vielfältigen Aufgabenbereiche», sagt der sympathische junge Mann, der bereits einige Aufträge für Kunden fertig stellen konnte. In seiner spannenden und top-modernen Schulung profitiert er vom Wissen ausgewiesener Fachexperten in allen Bereichen seines Jobs, vom Layout bis hin zum Druck und der Weiterverarbeitung. In seiner Freizeit lässt Janis seiner Kreativität freien Lauf und ist begeistert von Typografie, Grafikdesign und Video-Editing. Er liebt eine Runde Videogames und liest gerne spannende Bücher. Der Hunde- und Katzenfreund verbringt aber auch viel Zeit draussen mit Freunden und empfindet sich als empathischen und sozialen lieben Kerl, der zufrieden mit sich und seiner Umwelt ist, wie er selbst sagt.

Becoming media designer
+41 43 399 11 05

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Zoë Zarske

Die Gestalterische

Zoë befindet sich im ersten Lehrjahr und beginnt Ihre Reise als Polygrafin gerade erst. Als Unterstützung bei der Baumerziitig wie auch beim Birmensdorfer sowie Social-Media-Aufgaben und vieles mehr gehören bereits zu Ihren täglichen Arbeiten.

The creative one

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Yari Kägi

Der Schreibstarke

Yari befindet sich im ersten Lehrjahr und beginnt seine Reise als Polygraf gerade erst. Er Unterstützt den Birmensdorfer und arbeitet auch an Social-Media-Posts für das Media-Center Uster. 

Becoming media designer

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Andrea Rieder

Die Zahlenhüterin

Das Einmaleins in der Debitoren- und Kreditorenbuchhaltung übernimmt ganz souverän Andrea. Und dazu gehört natürlich auch die Lohnbuchhaltung. Obwohl sie nur Teilzeit arbeitet, hat Andrea jederzeit ein offenes Ohr für die Anliegen der Mitarbeitenden. In ihrer Freizeit bewegt sie sich gerne an der frischen Luft im Garten, im Wald oder auch am Greifensee. Die Schöpfung, insbesondere die bunte Tiervielfalt, versetzt sie immer wieder in Staunen. Ihre Tochter Simea ist jeweils mit von der Partie, denn beide lieben tierische Abenteuer.

Buchaltung und Finanzen
+41 43 399 11 24

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Marisa Grob

Die Layoutstarke

Our nature lover Marisa is mainly responsible for the layout and editing of the weekly newspaper “Baumerziitig”. She also deals with advertising and makes sure that every single customer is a happy customer. It’s mainly small companies that invest in a professional advertising or the council of Bauma itself. A lot of information from the authorities can reach the people this way, which is also very cost-effective. Marisa loves her own garden and to realize new projects. Marisa is definitively bitten by the travel bug! In the summertime she enjoys long walks and when Switzerland is covered in snow there is no way you can hold her back from snowboarding or watching a game of ice hockey.

layouter and media designer

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Jonas Clénin

Der Maschinenboss

Allrounder Jonas is our reliable driver who delivers the two weekly newspapers “Baumerziitig” and “Birmensdorfer” every Wednesday and Thursday. Furthermore he is very speedy at handing out priority jobs such as flyers or other printing products. His charming smile and happy attitude make sure that however hectic a day at work can be, nobody needs to be stressed out. As a multi-tasker and allrounder he is the perfect facility manager. Whenever Jonas needs a thrill he either gets out his beloved mountain bike or starts the engine of his powerful motorcycle which will take him to any place in Switzerland, especially up a steep mountain pass! Don’t miss out on his famous cooking skills. And a barbecue without Jonas is just not a true barbecue. Need to be up to date with the latest games? Just ask Jonas!


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Alain Clénin

Der Videoprofi

Alain Clénin, ein neues Multitalent in unserem Team, er bringt eine einzigartige Dynamik und Vielseitigkeit in unsere Arbeitsgemeinschaft ein. Er ist ein Videokamera-Profi und setzt mit uns Print-, Foto-, und Webprojekte um. Als leidenschaftlicher Anhänger von Sport, Audio- und Lichttechnik sowie Musik, nutzt Alain seine Freizeit geschickt, um kreative Energie zu tanken. Sei es beim Videoschnitt, in entspannten Techniksessions oder beim Erlernen neuer Fähigkeiten. Er schaltet ab, indem er YouTube-Videos geniesst oder in unterhaltsamen Gaming-Sessions mit seinem Bruder. Selbst bezeichnet Alain sich als engagiert und hilfsbereit – Eigenschaften, die nicht nur im persönlichen Umgang, sondern auch in seinem täglichen Einsatz fürs MCU deutlich werden. Seine Leidenschaft verschiedener Interessen und seine vielseitigen Fähigkeiten machen ihn zu einem unverzichtbaren Bestandteil unseres erfolgreichen Teams.


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Roland Hartmann

Der Codemaster

Roland Hartmann, nicknamed „Hardy“, has accumulated more than 30 years of experience within all sectors of business communication. With a degree as „head of marketing communications“ he offers his knowledge and skills to numerous prestigous customers around the globe, helping them to achieve their sophisticated website projects and goals. He is also responsible for the social media content of several companies. His passion is travelling to Asia and in his spare time he enjoys being outdoors. His favourite sports are walking, running, snow walking and deep snow skiing plus diving. Of course he enjoys a nice book and likes to listen to all kinds of music – the louder the better!

project manager
+41 43 399 11 11

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Frank Sharma

Der Tausendsassa

Here he comes: Frank, our key account manager with his “sharp eyes and ears” has a very important role at MCU. As security officer he oversees all matters and processes concerning safety of staff and assets. Whenever there is an issue Frank knows how to deal with it and how to address the employees. “For me it is very important that everyone is careful and watchful concerning our sophisticated and very expensive equipment”, he says. Frank is also working as a consultant and loves to please customers. If there are any technical issues Frank is always at hand. With his huge expertise in the printing industry Frank often offers his wisdom in different projects. As a big barbecue fan he absolutely can’t be without his toys” his big barbecue and smoker at home. “To smoke meat is art”, he explains. When Frank is not cooking, he is playing music as bandleader and drummer with his band “The Frog and Band”.

+41 43 399 11 11

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And in this section you will find our blog! Useful information such as exciting events, current orders and exciting news by the MCU.


And in this section you will find our blog! Useful information such as exciting events, current orders and exciting news by the MCU.

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Media-Center Uster AG Neugrütstrasse 2 8610 Uster

+41 43 399 11 11